Monday, August 28, 2006

Snakes On A Plane Review

Snakes On A Plane
I finally saw Snakes On A Plane this weekend, and I think I loved every minute of it. I've heard so many people say they hated it, and that it was so bad, and it wasn't funny, and blah, blah, blah. I LOVED IT! I want to see it again. I think the reason why I liked it so much is because I laughed at all the hype that it had, and thought the Samuel L. Jackson phone message that I left to a few of my friends was genius. If you did it, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Then, when it came out and everyone said it was the most fun they've ever had at a bad movie, my expectations immediately dropped to bad movie status. the last part is that I never took it seriously. I think if you go in to it with that mindset, you'll love it too.

I'm not going to actually review the movie, because that's pointless, you have to see it for yourself. What I will say is, the snake parts were awesome. Back when they were deciding what to rate it, it was going to be PG-13, but they decided to make it R, and you can totally tell which scenes they went back and added after that decision. The story didn't get in the way all that much either, which was really good to see. I mean, the plot obviously had to be introduced, and was the underlying path of the movie, but that didn't get in the way of the fun and the "action" I guess, and the badassery of Sammy J. The final few things I will say about it is it was WAY more entertaining that I thought it was going to be, it was actually BETTER than I thought it was going to be, and I walked out of the theater pumping my fists in satisfaction because it was AWESOME! Snakes On A Plane!

I won't rate it on the Reganometer, because I'm torn between a high rating for the fun I had or a low rating because it was really a bad movie, and I feel sorry for anyone who didn't get into it, but I will say SEE IT FOR SURE! SNAKES ON A PLANE! YES!!

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